Circuit training during PE!

The Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District thanks Veterans and their families 🇺🇸 #WeAreDR

The girls Rehoboth Youth Basketball Clinic schedule for this Saturday (11/12) is cancelled. The floors at the High School are being re-done. We are working on rescheduling for a later date TBD.

Great job Beckwith chorus and band members performing at the Palmer River Veterans Day Tribute!

It is Red White and Blue Day at Beckwith! This is also our first PBIS Auction of the year!

What a spectacular day for our DReam Seminars! Staff and administrators either led or participated in workshops prepared by DR staff for DR staff! Lot’s of learning and growth today. #weareDR #DReamSeminars

Great PD Day!

More from the arts festival today!

Dighton Arts Festival!!!

Gorgeous day to be outside

The Beckwith Believers Bocce Team!

Halloween at Beckwith!

Halloween at Beckwith!

The Beckwith Believers Bocce team at their final contest at Berkley. They played against teams from Norton, Berkley, and Seekonk. Great job Believers!

Today was Pink Day at BMS! We collected 85.5 pounds of change for the Linda Sousa A Better Dream Foundation! Great job Raiders!

Principal Appreciation at BMS. Thank you Dr. D!!

Today was the last home game for the Girls Soccer Team. They tied Berkley 1-1 just narrowly missing a chance for a 1st place Massasoit League finish.

Today was the last home game for the BMS Boys Soccer Team. They lost a hard fought game to Berkley 1-0.

Pumpkin projects in Mrs. Walsh's and Mrs. Reed's classes!

Trunk or Treat 2022!